Saturday 27 April 2019


Hi you all!

Have you ever thought about the story of your life? I am sure most of you have not thought about why you are the kind of person you are now.

Our life is the result of the choices we have made. Becoming a teacher is the best decision I have taken. And you? What is the story of your life?

Today I am going to present to you a new app! It is called FlipGrid. FlipGrid is where social and emotional learning happens!. It is designed to promote open discussion among all students within your classroom.  So, for me this app is very useful as teachers can post topics, videos, or links for discussion and students can respond to the prompt and to each other with short video reflections. Besides, recording the video is quick, easy and funny and helps to improve students' listening and speaking skills. This app it is free and you can use it online on your computer (as I did) or you can do it on your mobile phone as it is available for iOS and for Android.

I have already used this app to participate in a worldwide collaborative video storytelling project called "The World is my Audience" (8th edition) and I loved it! I am sure our students would also love to participate in a worldwide project!!!Doing this activity would help them to improve their cultural awareness as well!

Participating in a worldwide collaborative project was scary at first. I am very shy and it is difficult for me to be in front of a camera knowing many people could hear me speaking in English and about my own feelings. However, I found the topic very appealing so I decided to do it. I had the idea of what I wanted to say but I knew it was going to be hard to deal with all the emotions that would bring me to talk about the teaching experience that changed my life. I had to record it several times as I was very moved. I am glad I did it. I feel very happy to have shared this story with the world.

In my video, I talk about a hard teaching experience that finally became a life lesson but you can hear more stories in #twima8-We all have a story. For me, it is restorative to listen to other people who work in the same job as you do.

How did I do it? First, I wrote in the browser: Then, I pressed the green bottom and I recorded myself. Your video can last up to 5 minutes. Next, you take a picture of yourself and if you wish, you can add emojis or stickers on it. Finally, you write your name and your email account and you publish it! Super easy!!!!

Here you can hear my story! I hope you like it!

And here are some of my classmates' stories. Enjoy them!

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