Friday 26 April 2019

Channel 4 (II)

Hi you all!

You cannot imagine how excited I am to show you the final outcome of the Chroma project! Today is THE DAY! will have to wait a little bit until you can read about the video production process! I know you want to watch "Channel 4: The News"....but be patient!

For those who have not read the previous post (click HERE for more information) I will tell you that my group and I (students of a masters' degree in URJC) had to flip our classroom and record ourselves.

We went to the Future Classrom Lab of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports on the 19th of April with our classmates. There we heard an inspiring speech about eTwinning and  then recorded our video.
Here you can see a picture of all of us!

We recorded the scenes several times and it was pretty fun! It was great that there was a big green wall to do the Chroma project there, and there were those fabulous "future chairs".

The recording was a success! Then at home, my classmate Soraya was in charge of editing the video.
How did she do it?

First, she used QuickTime to cut the videos to avoid unnecessary sounds or gestures. We used this app to cut the video, but it also has other tools for recording your voice, your screen and your face.

Then, she used iMovie to edit it. It was not easy for her to do it, because she had to watch many tutorials to embed the music, the headlines, the background photos and our videos. But, she did it! And it looked great! Thank you Soraya for such a great job!

As I mentioned in my previous post, the background images were from Pixabay and the sound effects were from GarageBand. Soraya told me that she loved that these apps could synchronize themselves.

And now that you know how we did it...enjoy the video!

Thank you Dani, Soraya, Jennifer and Silvana for being such a great team! Thank you Mª Jesús for sharing the Future Classroom Lab with us and thank you readers for reading this long post until the end.

Doing this project was very inspiring and I am actually using Chroma and iMovie to record my 6th graders' graduation video. All of their teachers are participating in it and I am sure they will love it!!!

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