Friday 26 April 2019


Hi you all!

Today I’m going to tell you about the best activity that I have done so far in my ICT classroom in URJC

There are 31 students in my master and all of us have created different video projects.

I had the pleasure to work with Silvana, Dani, Soraya and Jennifer (best teammates ever) on a new video project based on the TV news. We became TV reporters who work for “Channel 4”.

After choosing the topic of the project and the title, we divided up the work. Each of us had a role and a task to fulfill.  

Then we created different sections for our news program:

-Natural Sciences news: earthquake
-Social Sciences news: Brexit
-Cultural news, linked with Arts and Crafts: Saint George
-Physical Education news: new sports

Soraya was going to be the TV presenter who was going to introduce the different sections and the rest of us had a topic to work on.

Here you can see the project in detail.

The idea of recording us was to use the video with our students, ‘flipping the classroom’.  Students would have to watch the news and write down the questions after each piece of news. Students would split in groups and each group would be in “charge of one section". They would have to investigate and answer the questions proposed by “their” TV reporter. Then, they would present their final project with the tools they wanted.

I will tell you in the next post how we recorded the video and how we edited it. I am very excited to see the final result!

Now, I am going to finish my post talking about the apps and tools we are going to use:

-iMovie: An app that is used with Chroma, a technique that changes your background. You record yourself with a green background and later you add your own background.

-GarageBand  is going to give us all the sound effects and Pixabay all the background pictures.

-GoogleDrive: to create a GoogleDoc where the draft of the plot is.

I hope you are as excited as I am to see the video! See you later!

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