Monday 29 April 2019

Final Project

Hi you all!

Our adventure is coming to an end... It is time to say "see you later alligator". It has been a year full of challenges and overcomings. I have learned a lot!!

We started the subject creating a learning diary and an avatar (done with Plotagon -one of my favourite digital tools). Now my blog has got 13 posts and my avatar has become one of my "best friends".

Blogger is a great tool. I've used it to self-reflect in my own learning as a teacher and also to show everybody my progress. I saw many tutorials to learn to put a clock on it, a counter, a list of blogs, etc.

After that, I added a Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License to my blog.

We learned to respect copyrights and to cite, attribute and license usable images. That is something we have to teach our students as well.
I designed a CLIL activity where images from Pixabay and Pexels appeared but if you don't find the wished picture on these, there are other open images repositories that you can use.
Digital citizenship implies the responsible use of online images or videos, among others.

Then, we learned to filter, organize and curate information. The tool I have used to curate content is Pinterest. But there are other tools like Symbaloo, Pearltrees or

After that, we created an account on Twitter as we should show the world what we were doing. Through Twitter we also create a tiny story. It was really fun and we did it together!

Then, we learned about different tools and apps to create support slideshows., Google Slides, Prezi, Powtoon or Biteslide were some of the examples. My students loved the slideshow about Magnetism I made for them. I taught them how to use it and now they use it each time they have to do an oral presentation.

The next thing we learned in class was to create online visual artifacts. We learned how to create comics, mind maps and infographics. These artifacts are incredibly useful in English but even more in CLIL subjects as they help students to make the content more memorable. I used StoryboardThat to create the comic, but I could have used Pixton or Creaza.
To do the mind map I used Creately although I could have used Mind42, SpiderScribe or Primary Students may find it difficult to use Creately, even though we could help them, so this app is useful for teachers, but we cannot expect them to use it correctly.
These are tools to create single mindmapping but there are other apps to create collaborative mindmapping like Coggle, or Mindmeister.
To do the infographic I used Picktochart., Canva, Smore,, and Padlet are other examples you can also use.
I loved designing my own online visual artifacts even though it was very time-consuming. These visuals help students to memorize and understand the new contents. So it is worthy to spend the time on these.

Then we started the unit 6 called "Broadcast it!". We learned how to podcast and how to create an educational audio project. I enjoyed this unit so much that I made an educational audio project in my school. It was very rewarding. The online platform that I used was SoundCloud. I had already used it so it wasn't difficult to do the task.

The last topic we saw in class was unit 7 called "Flip it". Here we learned about inspiring educational video projects worldwide (The World is my Audience- Twima8) and we learned how to design and edit educational video clips (using iMovie, GarageBand, Pixabay, and QuickTime).
Unit 7 was my favourite one. We learned a lot, we worked cooperatively with our classmates doing the Chroma project, we visited the Future Classroom Lab and we shared our personal stories in FlipGrid!!!It was really moving!

Appart from all we learned in these units, we attended a course by INTEF in AULA-IFEMA about the Digital Competence Portfolio.
We have also attended a webinar on Mobile Learning (given by María Jesús García San Martín) and about all the possibilities INTEF offers us (click HERE for more information).
And we heard an inspiring speech about eTwinning when we went to the Future Classroom Lab.

I cannot be more grateful to MªJesús for having taught us so many things and to my classmates for having been such a great support all this year.

I finish this post with my final artifact. It is a Prezi presentation. I wanted to use a different tool from the ones I had used as I have not found the time to try all the tools MªJesús has taught us.

Prezi has given me the opportunity to show you what I  have learned along this course and now I am aware that it has been a lot!

In my slideshow presentation, I have described my learning process throughout this course and I have shared the evidence of my learning with some screenshots of my outcomes and artifacts.

In the "Farawell slide" or under the Prezi presentation, there is a video where I explain what I liked the most, the least, what I found more and less useful, what I intend to use in the classroom from now on; a key idea that I have taken from the course and a reflection on what the participation in the course has meant for me. I hope you like it!


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