Sunday 3 February 2019

Let's start!
  • Avatar's name: Captain Jason
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Pirate
  • Interest and talents: travel, learn from others, and teach and help teachers around the world.

Today, I have posted my first entry in my blog! This blog is going to be used as a learning journal. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lorena. I am studying a bilingual Master’s Degree in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) and our ICT teacher, Maria Jesús, has just taught us how to open a blog.

The first activity we had to do was to create an avatar. The activity seemed simple, but it wasn’t at all. Many apps weren’t free; others did not have very interesting avatars as they were too simple or couldn’t talk or move.

Finally, I found ‘Plotagon,’ a marvelous app that I recommend to everybody. Plotagon is fantastic because it lets you create cool avatars that move and talk with different emotions in many different settings. It also gives you the option of using subtitles. It is a free app and I find it very useful for educational purposes as students can create their own plots in English. It is great because students don’t need to record their voices; they just have to type the text. In this way, they can practice their listening skills by listening to their avatars (that can have different accents) and their writing skills. Teachers can also use avatars as teachers' helpers (as I did with this avatar) or to flip the classroom.

From my point of view, there are two drawbacks of using Plotagon. The first one is that a mobile phone is required to create the avatar . The second one is that when you want to share your video, an embedded  code is not generated.
Having said that, I am sure I will use this App many times.

I hope you find this post useful. If you liked it, don't forget to follow my blog!

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